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FREE online Masterclass on ‘Living a Purposeful Retirement’

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Retirement is a time of disruption. Gone are your obligations to your job, your role title, your routine, your regular access to people you worked with, and for many people their purpose.

This upheaval can cause great stress and end up leaving you with a feeling of emptiness and ‘what now?’…or it can be an exciting and fulfilling time of really stepping into who you are and how you want to spend your time and energy.

Days in our life are limited. Imagine waking up to each one looking forward to the day, rather than wondering what there is to look forward to.

Who is the masterclass for?
– Retirees yearning for more meaning and purpose in this stage of life

– Those still working and looking ahead months or years, preparing for when they will no longer be bound to a job.

What you will get out of it:
+ why this can be the best and most fulfilling time of your life

+ how to incorporate your skills, talents, interests, and values into creating a purposeful retirement

+ loads of ideas for ways to add purpose and fulfillment to your life

Meet your trainer…
I’m Merna Schmidt and I’m your teacher, coach, encourager, Chief Rabble Rouser, and all ‘round cheerleader in helping you create a retirement you love.

I use my extensive experience working with people around the world, along with my Master’s degree in Psychology and Coach certification through Mindvalley, to help retirees design a fulfilling and purposeful life.


July 29, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
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