SHSP – Businesses
If you are a business which provides snow removal, yard help, housekeeping, home repair and maintenance, personal services, and moving help we encourage you to register with our program. There is no administration fee for you to participate.
Get more customers by registering with the Seniors Home Supports Program referral service.
There is no administrative fee to participate in the program and we’ll refer your company to seniors in Edmonton who request snow removal, yard help, housekeeping, home repair and maintenance, personal services, and moving help.
We have a large pool of clients requesting services. If you provide seniors discounts or a sliding scale for low income clients we have an even larger pool of clients to draw from.
Services Requested
We are looking for businesses who can provide one or more of the following services:
- Snow Removal: remove snow and put down anti-slip material to cover icy spots
- Yard Help: mow lawn and do spring/fall clean-up including tree removal, trimming, etc. and gate, sidewalk and concrete repair
- Housekeeping: vacuum, wash floors, clean bathrooms, do laundry, dust, clean the fridge
- Home Repair and Maintenance: includes home repair, electrical, plumbing, painting, furnace, appliance repair, handyman, roofing/eavestrough, deck and railing repairs, window cleaning (not major renovations)
- Personal Services: includes hair care, foot care, medi-alert, home and respite care (personal care, homemaking, nursing care, companionship, accompanied transportation)
- Moving Help: organizing, junk removal, downsizing
What's in it for your business?
Grow your business by offering services to seniors (By 2031, 1 in 5 Albertans will be a senior and the spending power of senior consumers is growing.)
Get more referrals with less leg work on your part
Help seniors remain in their homes by providing essential services
Referral Process
Although we can’t promise a certain number of referrals, we maintain a list of service providers and fairly refer businesses on the list.
When seniors request services, we give them a minimum of three referrals (if providers are available) and the senior picks the company which fits their needs. Seniors will contact you directly.