Job Posting – Project Manager

Social Prescribing Manager will work for the ESCC backbone team and support the stakeholders in implementing a made-in-Edmonton model of social prescribing.
Project Manager – Social Prescribing
Job Description & Responsibilities
About ESCC:
The Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council(ESCC)plays a leadership role in empowering the Edmonton seniors’ sector to become more collaborative, connected and coordinated. In its role, ESCC convenes a Network of thought leaders, experts, changemakers, program developers, and grassroots activists to support older adults. These eager stakeholders come from diverse sectors and are working together to reimagine aging in Edmonton. Collaborative efforts to benefit older adults are taking place at all levels—from providing services and programming to advocating for systems-level change.
View ESCC’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Establishing more links between the health system and community-based seniors serving (CBSS) organizations has been a goal of our Edmonton Network since 2019. In early 2020, a working group brought self-identified advocates together from community, health system and CBSS organizations to explore and conceptualize an Edmonton model of social prescribing. This model will be piloted until December 2023.
Social prescribing allows health providers to refer patients through to community-based programs (e.g. exercise classes, food programs, support groups, and much more) with the help of Link Workers. It empowers older adults to improve their wellness through meaningful activities and connecting more closely to their communities.
The social prescribing Edmonton model will expand on the Aging in Community Support program with community-based senior-serving organizations and health partners. ESCC is serving as the fiscal agent and our work will foster collaboration to roll out the model. This involves support for priority setting, facilitating meetings with partners, allocating funds, identifying gaps, guiding strategy, engaging the network and supporting communication to stakeholders.
An evaluation framework will be implemented, and we will continue to participate in a provincial community of practice where measurements and outcomes will be analyzed from our pilot along with other sites (including Calgary, and Red Deer). Work will include testing the Healthy Aging Asset Index tool for assessment and there is hope that pilot learnings will provide impetus for scaling and spread for social prescribing programs and tools in Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer and other Alberta communities.
The social prescribing model will inform other work underway in ESCC, involving coordinating outreach and home support services. Together these programs/services are contributing to a care continuum to address the needs of older adults in community.
The Project Manager – Social Prescribing will work for the ESCC backbone team and support the stakeholders in implementing a made-in-Edmonton model of social prescribing. The position will require working closely with the stakeholders from senior-serving sector, the health sector, and other service agencies that align with the work.
Project Description
The goal of the Social Prescribing project is to improve access to needed non-medical related services to support care in the community using Link Workers (system navigators). The social prescribing pilot will continue to implement and expand referral mechanisms between the project and Home Care Case Managers, Edmonton-based Hospital Transition Coordinators, and Primary Care Networks. To do this requires a project manager who can:
- Foster collaborative work
- Guide set-up of operations that helps partners operationalize the model
- Work with provincial counterparts to align components as needed
The Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council will lead this work with support from the Government of Alberta. The Project Manager – Social Prescribing will work with ESCC staff to:
- Convene stakeholders to work/support the project
- Support the collective’s strategies for the project
- Plan and manage Edmonton project resources and reporting
- Promote the model to potential stakeholders and build stakeholder relations
- Support development of privacy protocols and support adoption and adherence
- Support development of policies and processes for service delivery to enable ease of access for older adult participants
- Support data collection, collation, and analysis as per evaluation framework (developed in collaboration with provincial community of practice)
- Support service delivery reviews with partners and collectively identify opportunities to address gaps and barriers experience by older adults using the service
- Support the development of communication materials and organize (and potentially deliver) presentations
This position requires the following approaches:
- Systems-thinking: Social Prescribing will compliment services of outreach and home supports and together they are part of a larger, interconnected spectrum of supports for older adults to age well in community. The Project Manager must, therefore, consider the state of the broader sector, the conditions that could affect the collaborative’s ability to coordinate services, and be responsive to complex issues.
- Working equitably and collaboratively: The Project Manager must be open to and encourage mutual learning; be able to incorporate participatory and collaborative approaches; and understand differences in access to resources and power between stakeholders. Fostering and modelling trusting and respectful relationships between and with all stakeholders will be important.
The position requires the following experience:
- Experience/knowledge of the health and senior-serving sectors: The Project Manager will have to bridge the relationship between the health system and the community-based senior services sector. Knowledge or experience with Continuing Care/Home Care, Primary Care Clinics, or Hospital and community services is preferred.
- Experience facilitating a diverse group of stakeholders: The ProjectManager must have worked in the context of a collaborative group with varied stakeholders, such as members from multiple organizations and sectors.
- System change experience would be an asset.
The position requires the following skills:
- Project management skills: The Project Manager must be a self-starter, who is able to plan, be adaptable, innovative, detail-oriented, have strong time management skills, and be organized and methodical. They must also demonstrate the ability to synthesize and distill key information and apply evidence and research to their work.
- Advanced knowledge of Office 365 and an ability to learn and work in other software applications would be an asset.
- Monitoring, reporting, and administrative skills: The Project Manager should have the ability to design and carry out monitoring processes, organize and collate data, and complete report-writing requirements.
Education and Experience
- University degree or an equivalent combination of education and community experience in social sciences or a related field with at least 5 years of experience in project management.
Desired Attributes
- A positive attitude
- A willingness to challenge convention and a desire to learn
- Strong personal motivation and work ethic
- Capacity to think critically and creatively
- Enjoys working independently, in partnerships and in team environments
- Courageous and willing to take measured risks
- An elevated level of professionalism
- Integrity, confidentially, and accountability
- Strong commitment to producing accurate and high-quality work
Key Relationships and Accountabilities
The Project Manager – Social Prescribing is a staff member of ESCC and an integral member of the collaborative group that will be formed for the project. As a team member, they will:
- Engage with and seek guidance from the collaborative project members and the Network
- Report to ESCC’s Executive Director
- Frequently consult with, and provide support to, other members of the ESCC staff team
- Follow ESCC’s established policies and procedures
- Act honestly, respectfully, and ethically in all relationships with other organizations, funders, government representatives and volunteers
- Be responsible externally for sustaining and growing ESCC’s reputation as backbone to the Network, building relationships, and advancing project initiatives aimed at system change.
Working Conditions
This position is a full-time term position, with a standard workweek of 37.5 hours over five days. Some additional work outside the regular workday is expected for evening and weekend meetings and attendance and participation at special events.
$5,500-6,000 monthly, commensurate with experience, along with benefits.
Length of Position
One year with possibility of extension.
To apply, send a cover letter and résumé as a single PDF to by 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 2, 2022.