Help boost #YEGSeniors services by signing this Declaration

Join other leaders and allies of Edmonton’s seniors-serving sector in signing the Declaration and affirming the importance of supporting seniors to age well in community.
Click here to sign and read the Network Declaration Online
What is the Declaration?
A declaration is a written or spoken statement about what people feel or believe. This seniors-sector (Network) Declaration states the importance of having strong community supports for older adults to age well in their homes of choice.
Who wrote the Declaration?
A group of community leaders and volunteers, from the seniors-sector Network, worked together to draft the statement. They also gathered feedback from a wider range of organizations and colleagues. They intend for the Declaration to by widely inclusive and help build a united voice and a commitment to action.
Important Documents:
Click here to read the Network Declaration
Click here to read Network Declaration FAQs for Individuals
Click here to read Network Declaration FAQs for Organizations