Lunch ‘n’ Learn Events

Age Friendly Edmonton's (AFE) Lunch ‘n’ Learn series covers a wide range of topics impacting older adults, including discussions related to the upsides and downsides of aging, tips for successfully aging in place, and strengthening connections in a post-COVID world.
Helpful and entertaining sessions are being planned throughout the year. The latest information is below - check back regularly as this page will be updated as new Lunch 'n' Learns are planned.
Wednesday, January 18
Financial Basics for Seniors
Topics: - Pensions (Alberta Seniors Benefit & Guaranteed Income Supplement). - Budgeting (including deal seeking). - Alberta Inflation Payment (who doesn't need to apply, how to apply for those that need to). - Cost of housing. - Choosing a bank - cost factors. - Cost of money - loans, credit cards, repayment plans
Wednesday, February 15
Employment and Engagement in Later Life
Age Friendly Edmonton will host a two-part online series on the topic of “Employment and Engagement for Older Adults”. In this session, Employment and Engagement in Later Life (Part 1), Seniorpreneur Karen Murdock, shares her own career journey with you and provides insights and strategies on how to build your own creative ideas into work and projects in your senior years.
Wednesday, March 15
What is Gerontechnology, and how can it enable safety, independence and a better quality of life? Gerontechnologies, are useful in supporting a host of aging in place needs and healthy longevity. Technology continues to be an integral part of our daily lives. Almost every day, new agetech/gerontech is introduced to the marketplace that takes human possibilities to the next level.
Monday, March 20
Toolkit for Fostering Inclusion in Senior Serving Organizations
Learn more about the newly launched toolkit. Find out how the toolkit came to be and how it can be used to create a more inclusive space. The Lunch 'n' Learn will conclude with a live Q&A.
Wednesday April 19
Ageism in the Workplace: A Panel Discussion
Listen to our seasoned panelists who will be sharing their knowledge in a session moderated by Age Friendly Edmonton. Learn about how ageism is presented in the workforce and some strategies to support older workers. If you are an older adult looking for work, receive tips on how to overcome negative stereotypes and how to use your experience to your advantage.
Wednesday, May 17
Art Therapy & Therapeutic Music
Join us on May 17. Cheryl Horn, Registered Canadian Art Therapist, will talk about how art therapy can help with improving mental health and well-being. Tammy Halun, Certified Healthcare Musician, will share the benefits of Therapeutic Music.
Wednesday, Sep 20
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Aging in Place & Universal Design: Future Ready your Home for Healthy Longevity, Accessibility & Independence
We are living at a time where the term "aging in place" is expanding our thinking about all the possibilities that can enhance the quality of life in our own homes. Surveys consistently find that the vast majority of seniors/older adults adamantly want to remain in their own homes and communities rather than a retirement community or other such facility, but there is a disparity between aspiration and preparation, as not all homes are conducive for aging in place.
As our population ages, and more care is being delivered in home settings, accessible and safety home features along with assistive technology are critical to support aging in place. Even minor modifications that are not costly or labor intensive can make a big difference. With proactive planning and smart home modifications that enhance safety and accessibility, Aging-in-Place can be a promising reality. A home serves as the focal point for successful aging in place, and advanced planning helps to ensure a person’s home works for them as they strive to live safely and independently over time. Whether it’s a simple grab bar installation or a makeover to accommodate one story living, the time to make modifications and leverage useful technology is before the need arises. Falls are the leading cause of injury in adults over 65, so it’s very important to prioritize home safety and be proactive about ensuring our homes are as accessible and as safe as possible to ensure readiness for any challenges that come with age.
This presentation is intended to provide a learning opportunity about the benefits of incorporating accessibility and universal design in your how home that can optimize your Aging-in-Place experience by retrofitting and incorporating modifications to make your home safer and more livable. Would a few changes make a home easier and safer to live in? For example things like a ramp at the front door, grab bars in the tub or shower.
Wednesday, October 18
Finding Balance
This presentation will provide older adults and practitioners with the latest information and resources to help reduce the risk of falling and encourage seniors to live an active and independent lifestyle.
Watch the entire Lunch 'n' Learn series
Age Friendly Edmonton's Lunch 'n' Learn series is available online. Check out previous editions on YouTube.